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The Joys of an Author Hitting 50!


A Whisper in the Dark book cover with some of its reviews
Reviews help indie authors to reach more readers

Not that 50...

“Write a book!” they said. “It’ll be fun!”

Ok, the they in this scenario are the little voices in my head vying for attention as I attempt to go about my daily existence and they are insistent little buggers. So, I sat down and wrote a book … then another … then another. They did not tell me how addictive this would become.

It is almost like the dam that was keeping me from completing a work and sending it out to find a publisher was entirely of my own construction. Like my brain was trying to keep me “safe” in my bubble with this supposed barrier, swimming in a warm hidden pool with my ideas. Safe from outside eyes and opinions. But, without outside eyes and opinions the ideas just swirled around in my noggin like leaves in a whirlwind, chasing their own tails in a very unsatisfying dance.

Well, once that dam was swept aside and I “did it,” DAMN, it felt good to let it all rush out onto the page. To put it out there, a new stream running into an ocean of ideas. To see it stamped onto paper, bound into an actual book with a stunning cover that I could hold in my hands.

Then, reality hit and I immersed myself in the new world of book marketing and conferences and signings (NOT SINGINGS. I will NEVER not check a million times before putting out news of a signing. Like my brain is certain this simple misspelling would condemn me to a karaoke-esque book event). I have been soaking up advice from wonderfully supportive authors who, having traveled much further down the road, reach a hand back to give those of us new to the game a tug. Authors who realize that this is not a zero sum game. Once someone reads a book, then they want another and another.

Throughout this entire process, the thrill of each new step, each new level, has been everything I had hoped this roller coaster ride would be. The ups have been amazing. The downs challenging and stimulating.

The latest goal I reached was to hit 50! Reviews that is, complete with their shiny yellow stars (and in one case five “Alvises” … you have to read the book to get that reference). I literally made my poor dog jump when I saw the number FIFTY. FIVE ZERO. 50, whoa!!! Oh, the joy of hitting those first 50 reviews!

(Note: this was not the reaction I had when I hit the other 50)

Poor Dante was snoozing in his usual spot on the sofa, guarding against all kinds of terrible creatures in his dreams when I let out my WHOOP! It felt wonderful reaching this goal I had not even considered when I first sat down to write the book. So, this morning when I saw that number 51 had been added, I WHOOPED even louder. On to 100, my little noggin voices screamed.

Reviews … what other people, mostly strangers, thought of my book, my baby. I am appreciative and in awe of every single one of them, no matter the sparkle. Thankful for readers who gave A Whisper in the Dark a try, then took a moment to let others know what they thought of it.

And so, as this roller coaster car continues to race down the track, I will continue to throw up my arms and whoop (frightening my poor dog), celebrating every inch of it!

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